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Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 6

Weekly Update - Friday 18th October 2024

Summary of this week:


Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,

 First half-term of Year 6 complete!

 The children have been very busy this week. They have produced some good history looking at The Blitz, they have demonstrated a good understanding of classification – even if they were a tad squeamish at the mouldy bread! We have had a lot of positive feedback from the adults running bikeability about the behaviour of the Year 6 children.


A huge thank you to the continued support from the parents to ensure the children are prepared for their learning, and a big well done and congratulations to our children for such a successful half term.


Enjoy a well-earned break,

Mr Blackmore and the Year 6 team.



We will continue our work on fractions, looking at simplifying, comparing and starting to work on adding simple fractions.

English:: We will be studying and writing our own remembrance poetry.   

Foundation:  We will be moving away from history and towards geography – looking at population and what causes it to change. We will be starting DT instead of art, in which we will be making waistcoats.



Maths: Arithmetic, set Monday due Wednesday.

English: SPAG, set Tuesday due Thursday.

Maths: Recap of learning, set Wednesday due Friday.


Notices & Reminders

History evacuee day – On Friday 15th November, we will be inviting the children to dress up as WWII evacuees. We will spend the day looking at the experiences of children during the bombing campaign known as The Blitz. Dressing up is optional, but we encourage as many children to take part - the staff will be! Please feel no expectation to pay for / buy a costume, I’m sure an old jumper and some shorts will do the trick.


If you are unsure what sort of outfit would be suitable, google search WWII evacuee, it will yield some results such as this:



Mock SATS - We have our first week of mock SATS starting the week commencing Monday 11th November. We will follow the SATS timetable and be using the 2019 SATs papers. These results will not count for anything towards the children’s end of year assessments. They serve many purposes, but primarily they identify gaps in learning that we can then teach, and they provide the children with an insight into SATs and what they look like. It is all for practise and to settle the nerves.


DT - As we will be starting our unit of DT on sewing, can we please ask that any old bits of material are saved for use in our lessons? Any old t-shirts, bedding, pillowcases, anything that can be turned into a waistcoat would be useful. We are aiming to make waistcoats for each child to wear, if we do not get enough material, we will instead design waistcoats for toys. The children will be tasked with measuring, scaling, cutting and sewing the material into a waistcoat.



The Eastwick Curriculum in Year 6

 Year 6 Curriculum Plan 2024-25


Parent Information Evening September 2024

 Year 6 Parents Information Evening 2024-25

Year 6 Home Learning

To contact the Year 6 Team, please use this email address:  






Spelling: This spelling site is offering the opportunity for parents to download an app with a free subscription.


Maths Fluency Guide For Parents

Times Tables Rockstars

Hit the Button

 Daily 10

 A great website for generator Times Table worksheets (online and to print).

 Doodle Maths (App also available)


THPT Learning Resources page - various games and activities from across the curriculum:

THPT Learning Zone


Fun French activities: 

Lumens French Award

Ideas to stay active at home: 

Active Surrey - Home Activities

Movement Breaks poster