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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools



Year 1

Weekly Update - Friday 7th March 2025

Summary of this week:

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children had another wonderful week. They all enjoyed a lovely day on World Book Day, and it was great to see them dressed up.

It was great to welcome the children back.


Our learning after half term:




The children will be finishing their innovation stories based on ‘The Singing Mermaid' and will be changing the character and the setting.



We will be learning to add and subtract using fact families. After that, we will move on to learning 3D shapes.



We will be continuing to learn our Phase 5 sounds.


We will continue looking at foundation lessons consisting of Science, Music, PSHE, Geography, DT, computing and PE (tennis and basketball).



Notices & Reminders:
    • PE swap- Please note that the week beginning 24 March, we will be swapping our PE lesson to Thursday 27th March instead of Wednesday 26th March.
    • Free online parenting courses: Please see the link below to Surrey Adult Learning free online courses for parents/carers:

    Find an adult learning course - Surrey County Council (

    Sessions include:

    • - Managing anxiety
    • - Building your child’s concentration
    • - Understanding masking
    • - Building sensory routines to support ASD/ADHD
    • - Building self-esteem
    • - Understanding my neurodivergent child
    • - Positive ways to handle anger and meltdowns
    • - Child to parent violence
    • - Help your child to develop positive friendships
    • - Helping your child develop positive bedtime routines
    • - Using play, songs and stories to support early communication skills,
    • - Building your child’s resilience
    • - First steps to understanding emotionally based school non-attendance. 
    • Healthy snack: We kindly request that you provide a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) for your child to enjoy in the afternoons. Please note that the school provides a morning snack for the children. If your child's snack is placed in a Tupperware container, please ensure it is labelled with their name.
    • Phonics:If you would like to support your child at home with their phonics, please watch this short video to ensure your child is articulating the phonemes correctly:

    Phonics Play-If your child would like to access some fun phonics games, there are some free games on Phonics Play that they can access. To access the free games, click on "Resources" and "Buried Treasure," "Picnic Pluto," and "Dragon's Den" are free games:

    • a children have enjoyed playing this game in class while learning to read and count from a given number. Here is the link if they would like to play this game at home.
    • Please ensure all children bring a named coat to school. Children can bring a pair of wellies and leave them in their cloakroom to use, if needed. Please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle (water only, not squash) and a healthy snack (school fruit is available).
    • Reading record books- Please try and fill in the reading record so we can see how much your child is reading (just the book name and an adult initial). When your child has read these books a minimum of 3 times, they can change their books in class. Please can reading records be brought into school every day.
    • The weekly spelling books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned to school on the following Monday, for new spellings to be added.
    • We kindly request that children do not bring fiddle toys or any other toys from home to school. These items are getting lost, which is causing upset among the children. To avoid any further upset, please ensure that all toys are kept at home. However, children who have specific arrangements in place and require these toys for support are exempt from this request. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


    Thank you for your endless support.


    The Year 1 Team



Welcome to Year 1

Please find below the presentation from our Year 1 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 1 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  


Year 1 Parents Information Evening 2024-25


Below you will find the slides from our parent reading evening that was held on Wednesday 11th January:

Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation


To contact the Year 1 Team, please use this email address: