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The British Dyslexia Association states, ‘Dyscalculia is a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding numbers which can lead to a diverse range of difficulties with mathematics. It will be unexpected in relation to age, level of education and experience and occurs across all ages and abilities.’

Dyscalculia involves misunderstanding what numbers mean and how they relate to each other and to their symbols. It may cause difficulty with seeing how numbers fit together, counting, calculating, recalling math facts, like 2 + 4 = 6, using concepts like ‘less than’, ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’, using symbols like + and – , understanding place value, telling left from right, reading a clock and working with currency or units of measurement.

Approximately 6% of people have dyscalculia, while 25% of the population experience maths learning difficulties. It is believed that around 60% of people with dyslexia have difficulty with maths. Watch a video explaining more about dyscalculia here.

People with dyscalculia often excel in reading, writing, thinking strategically, seeing situations holistically, being creative, artistic and imaginative, problem solving and being highly practical. Watch a video about the challenges and strengths of dyscalculia here.

For more information about dyscalculia and supporting maths difficulties, see the links below:



Dyscalculia Association

Dyscalculia checklist

Spot on with numbers

Top tips for supporting learners with maths difficulties

Fractions support

Hit the Button

Games are to maths as reading is to writing. Playing number games in a low demand context will support a child learning subconsciously. Make all maths as hands on as possible. Use Lego, cubes, dienes (base ten) and number lines. Giving a child a times tables or division chart where they can look up the answer will be really helpful when learning maths processes. Practise counting backwards as well as forwards, and over boundaries of 10s and 100s will build improved understanding over time. Technology like calculators and math apps will also help to make math easier to navigate.


Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions or concerns about your child and their progress.