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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Weekly Update - Friday 21st March 2025

Summary of this week:

The return of the warmth and sunshine has been very welcome this week and our outdoor classroom has been busy with all sorts of learning! 

We spent the week leading up to Red Nose Day by thinking about different ways we can show kindness and help one another.  The children earned special red nose stickers when they were spotted showing kindness! 

In our Jigsaw lesson we thought about why our bodies need sleep and talked about the different things we do to get ourselves ready for bed and sleep. 

On Friday we had our exciting trip to Bookham library!  The librarians talked to the children about how they could join the library and borrow books and read a story to each class.  If your family are not already members of a library, please do consider joining and supporting these important community resources as well as accessing a world of books. 


Our learning after half term:


We are going to be finding out about doubles 

Literacy We will be learning to tell the story of ‘The Smartest Giant in Townand writing simple sentences about it 
Phonics We will continue to practice reading longer words

double, visualise, collage, kind, helpful











Talk for writing book: The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson 

Makaton signs: library  



What kind or helpful thing can you do for someone in your family? 


Notices & Reminders:

For show and tell this week we would like the children to tell us about something kind they have done for someone.  It could be very simple like putting away their toys, helping a brother or sister or giving their granny a hug!  We’ll ask the children about how the other person felt and how it made them feel too. 


Thank you to the parents who helped out on our visit to the library.  We wouldn’t have been able to do it without you! We will need helpers for our trip to The Rural Life Museum on Tuesday 29th March as well as for our swimming lessons in the summer term.  Please do consider applying for a DBS if you may be able to help out.  The office will be able to explain the application process which is also on the weekly Parent Newsflash.  We really do appreciate your support! 


Please find a link below to a variety of FREE online courses for parents that support a variety of PSED areas such as building concentration, developing positive friendships and building resilience.  

Find an adult learning course - Surrey County Council ( 

Thanks so much for making sure the children have their reading books in their bags every day.  It’s really helping us to keep track of all our precious books! 

Don’t forget to send in a bottle of water every day please! 




Welcome to Reception

Please find below presentations from our Reception parent workshops to be held throughout 2024-25, which provide useful information for parents and carers about areas of the Early Years curriculum at Eastwick. 


Reception Prime Areas

 Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation


To contact the Reception Team, please use this email address: