Useful Links

Useful Links

The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) is a Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust, comprising four secondary, six primary and two special schools with two further under development. We are proud of our ethos of collaboration and inclusion, "Bringing out the best" in students of all abilities and backgrounds. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 4

Weekly Update - Friday 26th April 2024

Summary of this week:


Dear Year, 4 Parents and Carers, 


The children have shown a keen interest in learning about landmarks in London this week and have written brilliant factual paragraphs about their chosen landmarks. They thoroughly enjoyed our Roman Day, and it was so wonderful to see how engaged they were in their learning.  


Year 4 Teachers  

Our learning next week:

Maths:  In Maths, we will be exploring volume. 


English: In English, we will be writing our own information text about Eastwick. 


Foundation: In RE, we are going to be understanding how belonging or being welcomed into a group help us to develop an identity. In PSHE, we will be using the skills and vocabulary to share their thoughts, ideas, opinions on discussion about topical issues. In History, we are learning about the ‘Romanisation’ of Britain. In science, will be observing some materials changing state when they are heated or cooled, by exploring how water can change its state to a solid, liquid or a gas. 




Please complete the Maths homework sheet that will be given out on a Monday. We also encourage the children to log into Times Table Rockstars and play some of the games to practise their times tables! Spellings are to be practised each week. 


Maths: Homework is set on Monday and due Friday. Aim to spend 30 minutes on this. 


Spellings words:  









Notices & Reminders:


Please ensure that parents/carers are not passing the red line on the playground or sitting on the benches at pick up. Children should continue to notify their teacher before going to their adult.  


Multiplication Check: 

Information for parents can also be found here: 2024 multiplication tables check: information for parents (


Rainbow Raffle - Year 4

Friday 26th April & Friday 3rd May

Each year group has been assigned a colour to help us make our colour themed hampers for this year’s raffle at the May Fair. We are therefore asking for your donations of new items linked to a colour given for your child’s year group. As you child is in YEAR 4, you have been given the colour BLUE to bring in donations towards the rainbow raffle red hampers.

Your hamper donations could be wine, beer, spirits, soft drinks, sweets, chocolate, tinned food, candles, stationary, toiletries, small soft toys - the options are endless!  Please kindly ensure NO perishable items and items must be within their expiry date of May 2024

There will be morning collections available in either infants or juniors at drop off from 8.30am on Friday 26th April and also on Friday 3rd May.

Thank you for your support!

The Friends of Eastwick Schools


Please use  to contact the staff with any queries or comments.

Kindest regards, 

Miss Patel, Mr Jenkins, Ms Perry, Mrs Stephens and Mrs Southgate


Year 4 RSE

How we change and Grow

Human Life Cycle: Adolescence Animation - Twinkl

The Menstrual Cycle (

What is a wet dream? (


Curriculum Maps 

 Curriculum maps will be updated half-termly in 2023-24.

Autumn 1 2023-24 Spring 1 2023-24 Summer 1 2023-24
Autumn 2 2023-24 Spring 2 2023-24 Summer 2 2022-23

Parent Information Evening September 2023

Parent Information Evening Slides

Year 4 Home Learning




Spelling: This spelling site is offering the opportunity for parents to download an app with a free subscription.


Introduction to the Daily 10

Plant Care

THPT Learning Resources page - various games and activities from across the curriculum:

THPT Learning Zone

Fun French activities: 

Lumens French Award


Maths Fluency Guide For Parents

 Times Tables Rockstars


Hit the Button

 Daily 10

 A great website for generator Times Table worksheets (online and to print).

 Doodle Maths (App also available)


 Staying Active:

Active Surrey - Home Activities

Movement Breaks poster