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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 4

Weekly Update - Friday 15th November 2024

Summary of this week:

Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,


This week we have started practising our Christingle service, the children have been great at remembering our service songs and are being great role models for our Y3 students. Year 4 are tremendously excited about our ‘Lion King’ performance and are eager to get practising for their production.


Year 4 Teachers



Our learning next week:


Maths:  In Maths, we will begin the week with a recap of all the content taught so far in Y4, before continuing with our multiplication and division units.

English: In English, we will be writing our own non chronological report about either; the planets, habitats or Eastwick school.


In RE, we will be discussing what does Jesus teach about what the Kingdom of God is like?

In PSHE, we will be understanding how actions affect ourselves and others;

In DT, we will begin to build our pavilions

In Geography, we will be understanding the lives of indigenous peoples living in the Amazon rainforest.




Please complete the Maths homework sheet that will be given out on a Monday. We also encourage the children to log into Times Table Rockstars and play some of the games to practise their times tables! Spellings are to be practised each week.


Maths: Homework is set Tuesday and due Friday. Aim to spend 30 minutes on this.


Spellings words:









Notices & Reminders:

Over the next few weeks, the children will be creating their own pavilions. They have designed their own structures and have a list of materials that they may want to source from home ie: pipe cleaners, empty bottles, kitchen roll tubes etc. if you have any craft materials you could offer your child or have some time to discuss with them what resources they had planned to use – please do encourage them to bring their resources in to help them build their nature themed structure.


Safeguarding: Please ensure that parents/carers are not passing the red line on the playground or sitting on the benches at pick up. Children should continue to notify their teacher before going to their adult.



Welcome to Year 4

Please find below the presentation from our Year 4 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 4 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  

Year 4 Parents Information Evening 2024-25


Please use  to contact the year 4 team with any queries.