Year 4
Weekly Update - Friday 7th March 2025
Summary of this week:
Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers,
What a busy week it has been! The children have been absolutely amazing as they always are and we absolutely loved their engagement with World Book Day! Thank you for all the hard work you as parents/carers have put in to providing your children with costumes.
Year 4 Teachers |
Our learning next week:
Maths: In Maths, we will be continuing exploring time. English: In English, we will be writing our on balanced argument. Foundation: DT - To make a model based on a chosen design. RE - Why might many Muslims prefer to worship in a mosque? Geography - To describe the journey of a cocoa bean. PSHE - To understand the facts about smoking and its effects on health |
Please complete the Maths homework sheet that will be given out on a Monday. We also encourage the children to log into Times Table Rockstars and play some of the games to practise their times tables! Spellings are to be practised each week.
Maths: Homework is set Tuesday and due Friday. Aim to spend 30 minutes on this.
Spellings words:
Notices & Reminders:
Pencil Cases:
Please ensure your child’s pencil case is restocked with:
- Blue handwriting pen
- Pencil
- Sharpener
- Rubber
- Purple pen
- Whiteboard pen
- Ruler
Welcome to Year 4
Please find below the presentation from our Year 4 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 4 at Eastwick in 2024-25.
Year 4 Parents Information Evening 2024-25
Please use to contact the year 4 team with any queries.