Year 5
Weekly Update - Friday 17th January 2025
Summary of this week:
It has been a week full of learning and exploring in Year 5. In science, the children enjoyed getting hands on by experimenting with different materials and testing them for magnetism, transparency and hardness. Thank you to all the families which sent in coins to help with this lesson!
Our learning next week:
Maths: We be learning about adding and subtracting fractions.
English: This will be our final week working on information texts. This week the children will use all their knowledge so far and apply it to their independent piece of work.
Foundation: In history we will learn about how the Vikings trade and why it was so important, in RE we will find out about churches around the world, in DT we will begin designing our own ‘doodlers’ and in computing we will learn about binary code.
Spelling: This week’s spellings: ‘wh’ sound where which wheel who whole whenever whisper why
Maths: Worksheet
English: Reading at home |
Notices & Reminders:
Next week, Year 5 will be writing an information text on a topic of their choice. They will be given 25 minutes of research time on the computers on Monday morning, but please can you encourage them to do some research in their own time at home and then remember to bring it to school on Monday.
As Year 6 are doing SATs practise, it will be difficult to access the library, so we would hugely appreciate it if the children could bring into school any books they wish to use to help them research their topic. Please ensure the books are clearly labelled with their name so that they can be returned home safely.
Any queries, please contact us on |
Welcome to Year 5
Please find below the presentation from our Year 5 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 5 at Eastwick in 2024-25.
Year 5 Parents Information Evening 2024-25