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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Relationships, Health and Sex Education 

All primary schools have a statutory obligation to teach Relationships Education and Health Education.  The Parent Guide below provides an outline of statutory requirements.  

Relationships and Health Education Parents Guide

At Eastwick, Relationships Education and Health Education is taught through our PSHE curriculum, with aspects of online safety being additionally taught through the Computing curriculum.  

As provided for in statutory guidance and in the THPT RSHE Health Education Policy, at Eastwick we also teach aspects of sex education appropriate for children's age and developmental stage in year 6.  Content is taught via our PSHE curriculum.    

We are currently reviewing our sex education curriculum and resources for teaching in the 2024-25 summer term.  Parents will be notified of curriculum content in due course, and prior to the content being delivered.   

Right to Withdraw

It is a parent’s statutory right that they may withdraw their child from Sex Education lessons. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education lessons but not from statutory Relationships Education or Health Education.  Parents must inform the Principal in writing if they intend to do this.