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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • reason mathematically
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a range of problems.

At Eastwick Schools we use the Singapore approach to maths mastery.

View our Maths policy here:

THPT Mathematics Policy 2019

Fluency in Mathematics

Our THPT Maths Lead has developed the following document to give parents ideas to develop children's mathematical fluency at home.  

Mathematical Fluency Guide for Parents

 Progression in Calculation Methods

Our Maths Leads have developed the following document to give parents details of the methods that children learn for the 'four operations' (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).  This document will be beneficial in supporting children's learning at home.  

Progression In Calculation in Years 1 to 6

Maths No Problem

The programme we use in years 1-6 is called 'Maths No Problem'.

Click this link to a presentation about 'Maths No Problem', which includes information about how we provide access to the material for children who need additional support and how we challenge more able learners:

Maths No Problem at Eastwick Schools

Click this link for video clips explaining 'Maths No Problem': 

Parent Videos

You can view each year group's Maths curriculum by clicking on the links below.  Please note that the timings of when units are taught and exact content of lessons is at teachers' discretion.    

 Maths No Problem Year 1

Maths No Problem Year 2

Maths No Problem Year 3

Maths No Problem Year 4

Maths No Problem Year 5

Maths No Problem Year 6

 Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is an exciting on-line initiative to enable children increase their times tables recall and accuracy. This is part of our strategy to build firm foundations in number skills to underpin maths mastery. Times Tables Rock Stars is used from Year 2 upwards.

For more information, please click here:

Times Tables Rock Stars Parent Information

Log-in here: 

Times Tables Rock Stars log-in



NumBots is an exciting, fun way to enable children to improve their mental addition and subtraction skills, and their knowledge and recall of number bonds.  This is part of our strategy to build firm foundations in number skills to underpin maths mastery.  NumBots is primarily designed for children in Year 1 and Year 2, but can be used in other year groups where children will benefit from it.

For more information, please click here:

NumBots Parent Launch Letter

Log-in here: 

NumBots log-in