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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Rainbow and Ark Centres

Specialist Centre for Communication and Interaction Needs (COIN)

The centre provides places for children from a wide area of Surrey via Surrey County Council SEN placement panels, for children who have an Education Health and Care Plan. Therapists, (including speech and language, and occupational therapists) visit the school and provide advice to staff and therapy for those children who require it.

All teaching is planned to meet the same national requirements as the mainstream school (i.e. Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum). However, the pace of work and strategies may be different. Each child has SEN support targets and will be working on key skills and targets. The centre is able to provide small group work and some 1:1 activities in order to meet these targets.

Successful inclusion is a key aim and this takes different forms depending on the needs of the children. Centre children need sufficient language to be able to access a verbal curriculum. With support some may be able to work in their mainstream class for the whole of the school day, others for certain lessons or activities.

Special needs support assistants work in the mainstream classes when children integrate, as well as in the unit.

All children are together at social times such as playtime and lunchtime. Special needs support assistants work in the mainstream classes when children integrate, as well as in the centre. They also provide support in the playground and at lunch time.

Our school is a community which reflects the variety of strengths and difficulties individuals have. The centre is an integral part of the school and a highly valued resource.

Please look at the Eastwick SEN Information Report for further details about the school and the Centres and at the Surrey Local Offer page Surrey Local Offer for details about what Surrey can offer.

Eastwick SEND Information Report 2023-24