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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP)

The term 'Ordinarily Available Provision' comes from the SEND Code of Practice and refers to the support that mainstream schools or settings are expected to provide for a child or young person through their agreed funding and resource arrangements.

It is a document that all schools in Surrey use to support children with additional needs. It sets out advice for schools on the types of provision they can provide to support all children.

The provision is broken down into three different sections:

  • High Quality Teaching
  • Reasonable Adjustments
  • Additional Support

High Quality Teaching Expectations in Schools

High Quality Teaching considers the needs of learners which then informs planning and delivery to make learning accessible.

This may involve teachers using a range of strategies, detailed in this toolkit to support learners to access and engage with the curriculum. The toolkit can also be used to facilitate conversations between learners, parents, and educational settings. This includes supporting different groups of learners, such as those with special educational needs and disabilities, or those from disadvantaged groups.  

This may involve teachers using a range of strategies to engage and support all learners, such as:

  • Adaption of the physical/ sensory environment
  • Teaching and learning strategies
  • Equipment and resources
  • Staff skills and training
  • Transition and change
  • Assessing planning, implementation and review

High Quality Teaching is sometimes referred to as Quality First Teaching.

Reasonable Adjustments

This section identifies all aspects of high quality teaching that can be reasonably adjusted or adapted to support children with SEND.

Additional Support

This section identifies further intervention or support that is required by some children with SEND. This may include specific interventions, support from external agencies, training on specific needs for staff and access to additional resources. 

Surrey Local Offer

Click here to visit Surrey’s local offer page which has further information on the Ordinarily Available Provision. 

THPT adapted Ordinarily Available Provision

THPT Ordinarily Available Provision

We are currently developing a school version which will be shared in due course.