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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 3

Weekly Update - Friday 21st March 2025

Summary of this week:


Year 3 got very creative in their Design and Technology lessons this week making castles using nets and 3D shapes. In Geography, we learnt about different types of volcanoes and how they erupt. Did you know that ‘branch pipes’ are areas within the volcano where burning hot magma can escape and shoot out at different angles? This is what makes them so lethal!

In English, we have been writing letters from Mr Wolf to his Granny to explain why he is stuck in jail (for eating the pigs!). In Maths, we have been solving a range of money problems.



Our learning next week:

Maths:  We will be continuing to solve a range of money problems. We will also be starting our new unit on telling the time to the nearest minute.


English: We will be planning and writing informal letters to our families, about something that has gone disastrously wrong!    (Loosing a friend’s dangerous pet/   Spotting a monster in the local village/   Or even getting caught and trapped in an extreme weather condition)


In our Reading lessons, we will be exploring and answering questions about The Wind In The Willows!


In Geography, we will be learning about the effects of volcanic eruptions.

In Science, we will continue experimenting with a range of materials, seeing which materials can create shadows.

In PSHE, we will be learning about keeping healthy and recognising things in our home or the environment that could be dangerous for our bodies.

In RE, we will be learning about the Jewish festival – Shabbat.

In PE, we will be learning gymnastics with Mrs Line and netball with Coach Jay.


We also look forward to performing our Lion King production to the Year 2 pupils on Thursday afternoon and the Year 5&6 pupils on Friday morning!



The Maths homework sheet will be given out on Tuesdays – please could children complete this and hand it in by Friday so teachers can mark, provide feedback and hand back by the following week.


Children are encouraged to use Times Table Rockstars for extra multiplication practise, a few times each week. Little and often is recommended! Logins and passwords are stuck inside the cover of the children’s maths homework books. Teachers will continue to award TTRS certificates on a Friday for those children that are using the website regularly throughout the week and making good progress with their times tables learning! 😊


Please continue to practise the weekly spelling words at home in whichever way your child finds most useful.





 Notices & Reminders:


 Thank you so much to those parents that have replenished the children’s stationary this week – it has made such a difference to our lessons!

 Thank you also for all of the cardboard and resources for our castle making lesson – the children really enjoyed this activity!

 A reminder that all Year 3 children will need their costumes for the Lion King production from Monday 24th March. Please could children bring these into school in a named carrier bag to keep on their pegs.


Thank you as always for your support,
Miss Bullock, Mr Harber, Mrs Secker, Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Milner.



Welcome to Year 3

Please find below the presentation from our Year 3 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 3 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  

Year 3 Parents Information Evening 2024-25


To contact the Year 3 Team, please use this email address:   

Supporting learning at home



Colour Book Band Progression Chart - KS2

Guided Reading Question Cards - Non-Fiction

Reading prompts for small group instruction



Year 3 Summer Term Spellings 2024

Common exception words

Homophones activity pack



Addition and Subtraction - Parents Guide

Year 3 Multiplication Parent GuideYear 3 Division Parent Guide

Snap Maths

Maths Fluency Guide For Parents