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Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 3

Weekly Update Friday 5th July 2024

Summary of this week:


Year 3 have had another busy week enjoying writing their own versions of the story Ratpunzel. We created new animal characters and a repeated phrase that mimicked “Ratpunzel, Ratpunzel, let down your hair!”. In Maths, we have been learning about perimeter, using rulers to accurately measure the length of 2D shapes. In Geography, we looked at maps of Bookham from 1842 to analyse how the area has changed over time. In Science, we observed how the celery had reacted to the blue food colouring in the water. We were impressed to see how the xylem tubes in the celery had turned blue!



Our learning next week:


Maths:  We will be continuing our unit learning about bar graphs and statistics.

English: We will be planning and writing our own narratives to conclude our learning for the year. We will be publishing and turning the stories into mini books, with illustrations, a front cover and a blurb.



In Geography, we will be learning about New Delhi, exploring the human and physical features it inhabits.

In Science, we will be taking part in a fun quiz, to see what we can remember from all our learning throughout the year (rocks and fossils, forces, light and plants).

In our Reading and PSHE lessons, we will be learning about water safety at the beach and also around canals and rivers.

In RE, we will be considering what we can do over the Summer Holidays to help humanity and the environment.

In PE, we will be learning about Tri-Golf with the PE coaches and Orienteering with Mrs Line!




The Maths homework sheet will be given out on Tuesdays – please could children complete this and hand it in by Friday so teachers can mark, provide feedback and hand back by the following week.


Please continue to practise the weekly words at home in whichever way your child finds most useful. We also cover these words during our spelling lessons, so it is great if the children have prior knowledge of what we are covering!


Children are also encouraged to continuing using Times Table Rockstars for extra multiplication practise.



 Notices & Reminders:

A reminder that Celebration Evening is on Wednesday 10th July from 4-5pm. All parents and children are invited to “tour the classrooms” like a museum, to see lots of their brilliant learning from this year. Children are also encouraged to visit their NEW Year 4 classrooms to see what they will be learning about next year!


As we are heading towards the end of the year, there are a few things we would appreciate your support with please!

  • All library books to be returned to school ASAP
  • All reading books to be returned to school by Friday 12th July
  • Carrier bags sent in with children by Thursday 18th July, so we can send home any lesson books that we don't need to keep in school. Please be aware that all foundation subjects are now being passed up to Year 4, so unfortunately these won't be sent home until the end of next year

Thank you as always,
Miss Bullock, Mrs Martyn, Mrs Harding, Mr Barnard, Mrs Porter and the Year 3 support staff.


To contact the Year 3 Team, please use this email address:   

Curriculum Maps 

Curriculum maps will be updated half-termly in 2023-24.  

Autumn 1 2023-24

Spring 1 2023-24 Summer 1 2023-24

Autumn 2 2023-24

Spring 2 2023-24 Summer 2 2023-24

Parent Information Evening September 2023

Year 3 Curriculum Presentation

Year 3 Home Learning

To contact the Year 3 Team, please use this email address:   


Listen to the story of Stig of the Dump by clicking on the links.  Can you recognise any of the teachers reading the story? 

Show list Show Grid

Colour Book Band Progression Chart - KS2

Guided Reading Question Cards - Non-Fiction

Reading prompts for small group instruction



Year 3 Summer Term Spellings 2024

Common exception words

Homophones activity pack This spelling site is offering the opportunity for parents to download an app with a free subscription.  



Addition and Subtraction - Parents Guide

Year 3 Multiplication Parent GuideYear 3 Division Parent Guide

Snap Maths

Maths Fluency Guide For Parents


Other Resources: 


THPT Learning Resources page - various games and activities from across the curriculum:

THPT Learning Zone


Fun French activities: Lumens French Award


 Staying Active:

Active Surrey - Home Activities

Movement Breaks poster