Year 2
Weekly Update - Friday 21st March 2025
A Summary of our learning:
This week has been a lovely week with the sun making a welcome appearance! In maths, the children finished learning about 2D shapes where they learnt how to move shapes using language such as left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn and half turn. They then started learning about 3D shapes; naming them and describing their properties. In English, the children started a new unit on poetry. The children learned a poem, learnt the features of this poem and how to make longer words using the suffixes -ment, -less and -ful. In science, the children learned how to classify things as dead, alive or never alive.
Our learning after half term:
Notices & Reminders:
- PE swap- w.b. 24th March PE will be on Wednesday 26th instead of Thursday. Thanks!
- Bulbs and Seeds- if you have any bulbs or seeds left over from your gardening, please can you bring them in for Year 2 to look at and grow?
- Free online course for parents: Find an adult learning course - Surrey County Council
- Sessions include: Managing anxiety, Building your child’s concentration, Understanding masking, Building sensory routines to support ASD/ADHD, Building self-esteem, Understanding my neurodivergent child, Positive ways to handle anger and meltdowns. Child to parent violence, Help your child to develop positive friendships, Helping your child develop positive bedtime routines, Using play, songs and stories to support early communication skills, Building your child’s resilience, First steps to understanding emotionally based school non-attendance.
Welcome to Year 2
Please find below the presentation from our Year 2 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 2 at Eastwick in 2024-25.
Year 2 Parents Information Evening 2024-25
Below you will find the slides from our parent reading evening that was held on Wednesday 11th January:
Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation
To contact the Year 2 Team, please use this email address: