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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 2

Weekly Update Friday 12th July 2024

A Summary of Our learning:

I sit here, writing my last newsletter to you with damp eyes- not quite ready to say goodbye to you and your fantastic children. We have been busy celebrating the children this week in their leavers assemblies- and I think you will agree that the children were just amazing. In maths, the children were revising pictograms. They read scales, answered questions and even made their own question to collect data with. In English, the children loved making a triorama- which is a 3D fact file. 

 Our learning next week:




The children will be writing facts about desert and rainforest plants and will be creating a Powerpoint about the different habitats.


n/a due to last week (we will be revising high frequency words)  


The children will apply all their learning from Year 2 to answer a range of different problems.  


Comparing the adaptations of desert and rainforest plants.  



- Reading

- Times tables- 2, 5, 10s


Notices & Reminders:

- Please bring in a named plastic bag from Monday so we can start sending all your children’s books home. Some will be kept in school as evidence and will be returned to your child at a later date.

- Inset- 15th July- no school

- End of term (☹) Friday 19th July- finish 3:15pm


Thank you for your continued support,

  • The Year 2 Team
  • To contact the Year 2 Team, please use this email address:  
  • Infant Reading Workshop Presentation
  • Below you will find the slides from our parent reading  evening that was held on Wednesday 11th January:
  • Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation
  • Curriculum Maps
  • Curriculum maps will be updated on a half-termly basis in 2023-24.

Autumn 1 2023-24

Spring 1 2023-24 Summer 1 2023-24

Autumn 2 2023-24

Spring 2 2023-24 Summer 2 2023-24