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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 6

Weekly Update - Friday 14th February 2025

Summary of this week: 


Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,

Thank you so much for all who managed to attend the Year 6 SATs workshop. We have uploaded the slides and a completed 2023 arithmetic paper onto the webpage. We hope all the children enjoy their rest over half term, we can’t believe we have finished the first 3 half terms already!


  Learning after half term:


Maths: We will look at geometry, studying angles in a triangle and a quadrilateral and how to calculate missing angles.  


English: We will start our next unit of writing – a suspense narrative on Dracula’s Whitby.


Foundation: In geography, we will look at energy and where we get our energy from. We will start designing our playground that the children will build in DT. In science, we will study the circulatory system and how our body works. 


Maths: Arithmetic, set Monday due Wednesday.

English: SPAG, set Tuesday due Thursday.

Maths: Recap of learning, set Wednesday due Friday.

Reading journals: Please add input once per week on how many pages / what is being read.

 Notices & Reminders:


PSHE Trip - We will be completing our risk assessment of the Epsom Junior Citizen event and will send out communications following this.


CGP Books – The SCOPAY option has now gone live if you wish to purchase the revision materials. We receive a discount of a minimum 50% when purchasing through the school, so we suggest you take advantage of this and allow us to order the books for you. If you wish to order the bundle of 4 books, please visit SCOPAY. The deadline is Friday 28th February.


Readers: We are asking for any volunteers that may have a spare afternoon to come and listen to our children read during the day. We would deliver a short training input on questioning and developing inference for anyone who would be interested in supporting our children progress with their reading. We would love to ideally be able to offer this provision every afternoon, but we are realistic with everyone’s busy timetables, so if you are able to offer an hour in the afternoon on a certain day, please can you email your class teacher. We will then allocate days to whoever is able to come in and support and hopefully this will make an impact on our children’s confidence with reading before they depart Eastwick.

Welcome to Year 6

Please find below the presentation from our Year 6 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 6 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  

Year 6 Parents Information Evening 2024-25

SATS - Parent Evening - 2025

Arithmetic Paper - Methods


To contact the Year 6 Team, please use this email address: