Year 6
Weekly Update - Friday 21st March 2025
Summary of this week:
Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,
We have had a lovely week of building our playgrounds – the children have built some wonderful structures and we are very impressed with their work.
Learning next week:
Maths: We finish our unit on graphs and statistics – concluding with a few more lessons on line graphs. We will then look at negative numbers in context and how to read negative numbers.
English: We will continue to unpick our chosen text ‘The Highwayman’ and we will familiarise ourself with the model text. The children will then plan their own narrative where they need to rewrite the ending of the poem.
Foundation: We will continue to look at the circulatory system in science, Buddhism in RE and energy sources in geography.
Maths: Arithmetic, set Monday due Wednesday.
English: 20 – 34 minutes of a CGP book (either SPAG or reading comprehension).
Maths: 20 – 30 minutes of CGP book (either arithmetic or maths).
Reading journals: Please add input once per week on how many pages / what is being read.
Notices & Reminders:
CGP Books – We had a Year 6 assembly about the CGP books in which we discussed how best to use them to revise. The children are going to be using them as homework in the weeks leading to their May SATs. We have spoken to the children about the importance of revising over the Easter break – short and frequent sessions are best.
Parent’s evening – We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday and Thursday for the parent consultation.
Welcome to Year 6
Please find below the presentation from our Year 6 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 6 at Eastwick in 2024-25.
Year 6 Parents Information Evening 2024-25
To contact the Year 6 Team, please use this email address: