Year 3
Weekly Update - Friday 31st January 2025
Summary of this week:
Year 3 have had some very practical Maths lessons this week, exploring how to measure different objects and lengths with rulers and tape measures. We have been learning about mm, cm and m. In English, we have enjoyed learning our new text “Stone Age Boy” and in Reading, we read excerpts from Peter Rabbit, exploring why Mr McGregor is so grumpy and mean! In Science, we set up an experiment with filters and soil, to test what different soils are made from. We look forward to watching our results form over the next week or so. |
Our learning next week:
Maths: We will be continuing our unit on measurement, learning more about millimetres and measuring longer lengths in metres.
English: We will be planning and writing our own versions of the text “Stone Age Boy”, changing the main character, the setting and the problem inside the cave!
In our Reading lessons, we will be reading, unpicking and answering questions about a story called “The Last Tree”.
In History, we will be learning about Iron Age Hillforts.
In Science, we will be evaluating our soil experiments, to find out what soil is made from.
In D&T, we will be making our final A3 electric posters, adding a circuit and a bulb to light it up!
In RE, we will be learning about Jesus and why he taught Christians about forgiveness.
In PE, we will be learning dance with Mrs Line and hockey with Coach Jay.
In PSHE, we will be learning about how to solve bullying situations with others.
In Computing, we will be learning about algorithms.
The Maths homework sheet will be given out on Tuesdays – please could children complete this and hand it in by Friday so teachers can mark, provide feedback and hand back by the following week.
Children are encouraged to use Times Table Rockstars for extra multiplication practise, a few times each week. Little and often is recommended! Logins and passwords are stuck inside the cover of the children’s maths homework books. Teachers will continue to award TTRS certificates on a Friday for those children that are using the website regularly throughout the week and making good progress with their times tables learning! 😊
Please continue to practise the weekly spelling words at home in whichever way your child finds most useful.
Notices & Reminders:
Another plea to please re-stock your child’s pencil case – a large number of children do not have their own pencils, glues or whiteboard pens and we are quickly running out of supplies!
Reminder that Wednesday is a staff inset day, so children will not be in school.
Thank you as always for your support,
Miss Bullock, Mr Harber, Mrs Secker, Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Milner.
Welcome to Year 3
Please find below the presentation from our Year 3 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 3 at Eastwick in 2024-25.
Year 3 Parents Information Evening 2024-25
Supporting learning at home
Colour Book Band Progression Chart - KS2
Guided Reading Question Cards - Non-Fiction
Reading prompts for small group instruction
Year 3 Summer Term Spellings 2024
Addition and Subtraction - Parents Guide
Year 3 Multiplication Parent GuideYear 3 Division Parent Guide
Maths Fluency Guide For Parents