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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 1

Weekly Update - Friday 18th October 2024

Summary of this week:

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week has been another great week in Year One. We have enjoyed writing our own portal stories for Jack and The Beanstalk.

A big thank you to all parents who attended parents evening. It was great to celebrate and discuss your child’s progress made so far.


Thank you for your endless support and we hope you all have a lovely, restful half term.


The Year 1 Team



Our learning next week:




After half term, we will be writing our own nature poems using onomatopoeia.



We will be continuing with number bonds and will then be moving onto addition.



We will be continuing with Phase 5.  

We will continue with Independent Learning and will be looking at foundation lessons consisting of Geography, PSHE, Science, RE, Music, PE, Computing, and DT after half term.



After half term (week 1), we will be showing the children how to use their spellings book. We will send out their spelling books with new spellings in week 2. Please ensure children complete their spellings using pencil only and not pen.


Please continue to read with your child daily.


Maths- Please continue to use NumBots to support your child/children with learning their number bonds.


If you would like to support your child with ordering numbers, here is a link of some maths games, they can access at home.

Please ensure you supervise your children and remind them about online safety.



Notices & Reminders:




Please ensure all children bring a raincoat to school. Children can bring a pair of wellies and leave them in their cloakroom to use if needed.


Please ensure your child comes with a water bottle (water only, not squash) and a healthy snack (school fruit is available).


Reading record books- Please try and fill in the reading record so we can see how much your child is reading (just the book name and an adult initial). When your child has read these books a minimum of 3 times, they can change their books in class. Please can reading records be brought into school every day.


Please ensure all toys and personal belongings are kept at home. Children are losing their toys, pencil cases, and storybooks, which is causing upset. Children do not need pencil cases in Year 1 as we supply all necessary stationery.



Please see below the links detailed about phonics and the correct pure sound pronunciation.



Thank you for support.


The Year 1 Team 



Welcome to Year 1

Please find below the presentation from our Year 1 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 1 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  


Year 1 Parents Information Evening 2024-25


Below you will find the slides from our parent reading evening that was held on Wednesday 11th January:

Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation


To contact the Year 1 Team, please use this email address: