Weekly Update - Friday 31st January 2025
Summary of this week:
This week has been a busy week learning about Chinese New Year. We have had the opportunity to explore Chinese New Year celebrations by watching videos and reading books. We have decorated our classrooms, made lanterns, zig zag dragons and snakes, practiced our dragon dancing in the outside classroom and written our names in Chinese. The highlight of our week was making and eating stir fry!
In maths we have enjoyed using the familiar children’s song 5 little men in a flying saucer to help us learn about numbers to 5.
Our learning next week:
Talk for Talk Talk for Writing book: Going for a Song Song of the week: Old MacDonald Had a farm Makaton signs: donkey, cow, cat, dog
Maths: Compare two sets of objects around the house: cups and plates; toy cars and trains etc and work out whether there is an equal or unequal number
Literacy: Play games with the tricky words to help the children to read them with instant recall.
Notices & Reminders:
Our theme for Show and Tell next Thursday will be stories with a message. In our Religious Education lesson next week we will be sharing the story of the Good Samaritan. We will be talking about how stories from the Bible and other religions can have messages for us. We would love the children to bring in their favourite stories with a message. We won’t be able to read all the stories on Thursday so we ask that you name story books so they can stay in school for the week and we can read 1 or 2 each day at home time so everyone gets the chance to share their stories.
We are running very low on spare clothes, particularly pants, socks and tights and trousers. If your child has come home in any of our spare clothes and you haven’t yet returned them to school, could you please do so? Thank you!
A reminder to please keep reading books and reading diaries in the children’s book bag every day. The days that we have our reading practice sessions might change from week to week and it’s important that the children have their books with them. Unfortunately, we cannot send home the current week’s Little Wandle reading book if the previous one has not been returned. We have said to the children to simply return their books to their bags after they have read with you each evening. Hope that helps! Thank you.
Remember next Wednesday 5th February is an INSET day and the school will be closed.
Welcome to Reception
Please find below presentations from our Reception parent workshops to be held throughout 2024-25, which provide useful information for parents and carers about areas of the Early Years curriculum at Eastwick.
Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation
To contact the Reception Team, please use this email address: