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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Weekly Update Friday 19th July 2024

Summary of this week:

It’s hard to believe we’re already at this point of the year where we are all saying goodbye to one another at the end of the children’s first year at Eastwick.  It always feels sad to say goodbye to one another but there is so much to celebrate too!  The 2023 Eastwick intake have made a wonderful start to their school life.  They have grown in confidence, independence and resilience as well as learnt so many skills in phonics, reading, writing and maths.  They have made trusting friendships with one another and strong relationships with the adults in the team. 

We have had lots of fun in our final week together with the sun finally making an appearance for our final Forest School session on Wednesday, our water play on Thursday and our inflatables treat from Mr Lowes on Friday. It has been a lovely finish to a great year! 

We wish all the families a very happy summer break and look forward to saying hello again in September! 

With very best wishes from all the Early Years Team 

 Relax, have fun and keep reading!!! 

Our learning next week:











Notices & Reminders:





Presentation Slides

2023 Induction Evening Presentation slides


Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation


Early Years Curriculum Parents Information Evening Slides

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps will be updated on a half-termly basis in 2023-24.

Autumn 1 2023-24 Spring 1 2023-24 Summer 1 2023-24
Autumn 2 2023-24 Spring 2 2023-24 Summer 2 2022-23

Curriculum Information 

Reception Prime Areas

Please find below slides from the Parents Curriculum Presentation:

Early Years Curriculum Evening 2021 PRIME

Early Years Curriculum Evening 2021 SPECIFIC

Reception Home Learning

To contact the Reception Team, please use this email address:


Click here for online games and resources:






Homework in Reception

Moving from Reception to Year 1