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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools


Year 2

Weekly Update - Friday 31st January 2025


A Summary of our learning:



This week has been another busy week of learning. The children started a new learning journey in English. This unit focuses on diary writing and this week has seen them learning extract from Samuel Pepys’ diary (adapted by Mrs Harding!). In maths, the children have been applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction to word problems. In science, the children started a new unit which focuses on habitats. They learned that a habitat is a place where animals or plants live and it gives them everything they need to survive. They also looked closely at polar habitats, the animals and plants that live there and how they have adapted to survive.



 Our learning next week:




The children will be writing that own diary as Samuel Pepys. 

Spelling (whole class)

 Wrong, wrap, wrote, wrist, wriggle, wreck 

Spelling* (Mrs H’s group)

Words containing these sounds: ay, ou and oy


The children will be learning more about money. They will revise the British notes and coins and will then learn how to add money to make totals.


The children will look closely at desert habitats. 



  • Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars (same login as Numbots)
  • Reading
  • Spellings
  • Word problem and past tense sheet

Notices & Reminders:

  • Inset day - Wednesday 5th February 2025
  • Mrs Hodgeson is going to be taking a group of children in spelling time to practise phase 5 sounds. This will happen 3 times a week instead of whole class spellings.



Welcome to Year 2

Please find below the presentation from our Year 2 Parents Information Evening held in September 2024, which provides useful information for parents and carers about Year 2 at Eastwick in 2024-25.  

Year 2 Parents Information Evening 2024-25


Below you will find the slides from our parent reading evening that was held on Wednesday 11th January:

Infant Reading Parent Workshop Presentation


To contact the Year 2 Team, please use this email address: